Wednesday, May 14, 2014

SOC 201B: Paychecks and Power, Work and Labor Markets in the US, is being offered this summer!

Paychecks and Power: Work and Labor Markets in the U.S.
Sociology 201B, Summer 2014
SLN: 13465
TTh 8:30 - 10:40

The questions of who we are and what we do are closely linked. The aim of this course is to understand what it means to study work and labor markets from a sociological perspective and to connect our own experiences to the world around us. Over the course of the term, we will answer the following questions:
- What is the structure of the labor market in the United States? How and why has it changed over the last century?
-  What are the processes by which people are matched to jobs? Do these processes work well?
-  How do jobs and work contribute to social structure and inequality?

- How do our other identities and roles interact with the labor market? How do our racial and gender identities and our roles as parents, partners and students shape our experiences in the labor market?