Monday, June 2, 2014

URBDP 498 B/ 598 D is being offered this summer! Register by June 3rd!

Urbanization and The Asian City
Full Term                                 TTh 10:20- 11:50
This century is hailed to be the Asian Century. Encompassing some of world’s oldest civilizations and colonizations, Asian cities are today rapidly (re)emerging as a center of, and play a vital role in, the global economy that result in far-reaching fundamental changes within both the continent and the world. With enormous diversity within its sub-regions, Asian cities aspire to be ‘global world-class’ cities, and are home to some of the richest businessmen in the world, as well as a rapidly growing middle class. At the same time, within the heterogeneous regions of Asia, there are also expanding differences between the “haves” and the “have-nots”, thus the very same ‘global world-class’ cities are also notorious for their vast slums or informal settlements with large numbers of people living in deplorable conditions without access to basic sanitations and services. This interdisciplinary course aims to embrace the complexity and ambiguity that is the Asian city and help students become familiar with its numerous urbanities and urbanisms.
Registration open. Please register before June 3rd!
For more details contact instructor: Susmita Rishi (Sush) at