Want to have an international experience this summer without leaving Seattle?
Study abroad at home through CHID’s 12-credit “Local/Global Engagements: Theory, Agency, and Change” program!
CHID is offering a unique 12-credit summer program enabling students to gain internship experience in local organizations with a transnational focus in order to better understand linkages among local and global realities.
In addition to the internship (tailored to student interests), students will participate in a seminar two days per week to reflect on their own social, political, economic, and ecological positioning and agency, as well as examine how social justice movements and other collectivities work to link theory with practice in efforts to create a more just and healthy world.
Course Details
Courses: CHID/CEP 498C (2 credits), CHID/CEP 399 (10 credits)
Full-term Summer Quarter (June-August)
Class meets on Mondays 9:40am-2:10pm and Tuesdays 9:40am-12:30pm
Open to all majors
Please contact Erin Clowes at clowese@uw.edu if you have questions or want to participate.