Monday, April 20, 2015

Winter 2016 Study Abroad: Defining the New European Security

Defining the New European Security:  At the UW Rome Center Winter Quarter 2016.   Since 2011 the European landscape has changed dramatically, both internally and externally. The resurgence of Russia and increased Muslim immigration pose new challenges to Europe and its allies. How will Europe and the NATO Alliance respond?  Will the local and international legal system be able to deal effectively with the issues?  We will make use of the unique setting in Rome, home of the NATO Defense College and the Italian Institute of International Studies.  We will make an extended field trip to Naples, home of NATO’s Allied Joint Forces Command and the US Sixth Fleet.  Jackson School faculty, with the assistance of local experts, will present three five credit courses:
JSIS A 416,  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),  JSIS B / POL 436, Ethnic Politics and Nationalism:  Perspectives on Muslim Immigration in Europe and LSJ-POL 367 Comparative Law and Courts

The program director is a former US Marine Corps lawyer with extensive experience in Europe, including participation in NATO’s first deployment (Bosnia) and as a UN Legal Advisor in Kosovo.  He is now an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the UW School of Law, teaching International Humanitarian Law, and leading an exploration seminar for the past seven years to The Hague to study International Justice.  See the full program description and costs at   or send an e-mail to  Application Deadline is May 15, 2015 with decisions by the end of May.